

1. Students will be able to define a habitat
2. Students will be able to design a hermit crab habitat based on their knowledge of hermit crabs and habitats using materials provided.
3. Students will be able to post a picture and a description to a blog.

Description of Activities:
Students will work in groups of six to read and learn about hermit crab habitats and design one themselves. 
Each group is responsible for naming a hermit crab and posting them to the main blog page. 
Each student will go onto the website and participate in the daily poll.

Assessments: Daily poll, Group post to blog, comment on another groups post.


1. Students will be able to create a habitat made of materials provided, based on their designs from the day before. 
2. Students will be able to post a picture and a description to a blog. 

Description of Activities:
As a group, students will build their habitats they designed the day before. 
Students Will take a picture of their habitats and post it to their groups blog page.

Assessments: Daily poll, group post to blog, comment on another groups post.


1. Students will be able to make inferences based on data collected
2. Students will be able to modify their habitats based on inferences made.

Description of Activities:
Students will collect data on their crabs (how many are in each habitat) and make inferences on which habitats the crabs liked and why. Students will then modify their habitats to try to increase the number of crabs in their habitats.

Assessments: Daily poll, group post to blog, comment on another groups post.


1. Students will be able to make inferences based on data collected
2. Students will be able to modify their habitats based on inferences made.

Description of Activities:
Students will collect data on their crabs (how many are in each habitat) and make inferences on which habitats the crabs liked and why. Students will then modify their habitats to try to increase the number of crabs in their habitats.

Assessments: Daily poll, group post to blog, comment on another groups post. 


1. Students will be able to make inferences based on data collected
2. Students will be able to make a claim about the merit of a solution to a problem caused when the environment changes. 

Description of Activities: 
Students will do a final data collection. Students will write a blog entry on their own about what they discovered and then share with their groups. Each group will present their blog page and the strategies they used. 

Assessments: Final, personal, blog entry. Group discussion and presentation.

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